Leaving, even when it is something for which you have great passion and for which you have anticipated with relish, is never easy. For me it is because of those parts of you you leave behind.
I am looking forward to the journey I will take over the next few days. I am grateful for the oppotunity to do this and for the support of my loved ones. Thankyou family. Welcome back my darling daughter too. I look forward to your camp stories when I return. Thankyou my precious husband for shuffling your work and life so I may pursue my passion - see you on the dance floor!
I carry your heart with me
(icarry it in ny heart)
I am never without it
(anywhere I go you go,
my dear; and whatever
is done by only me is
your doing, my darling
I fear)
I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)
From "I Carry your Heart with Me"
by E.E. Cummings