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August 17, 2007


kristen robinson

Megan this is a simply lovely and wonderful post I am so glad you posted this your children are true treasures.



It's great to see your kids doing well isn't it.... is that one of your dd's photos - it's a great composition!

Ursula Clamer

I hope you enjoy living in the moment a lot of the time. Well done to both of your children for doing well. Ux


Such a lovely post. The last few days have been very trying for me so to read your post was really nice - so glad to see you, someone else taking such joy in these moments. it all moves very fast.


You must be proud of both your children - your son for his passion in discus and your daughter for hers in photography. Both are talented and lovely-looking children. (I still think your daughter and you could pass as doubles!!)

ro bruhn

Enjoy it NOW Megan, it flashes by so quickly. It only seems like yesterday my daughter was giving birth to my first grandchild and he'll be five in October.
Enjoy your weekend

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