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January 26, 2008


ro bruhn

I hope your hands on the mend soon Megan, especially now we have the books from the US.

Jo Stables

Hope you are all recovered by May Megan!!! You will need both hands then!
Take care,

Michelle Ward

Megan - hope the healing is coming along. Being one-handed must be a toughie. Great that you still can put that left hand to work. Best to you, xo


Hi Megan,

Happy New Year! I'm hoping that your hand is healing well and quickly. (My bro, who lives in Mosman, had 4 hours of surgery on his hand 2 days ago, after cutting it severely on a porcelain doorknob - still trying to figure out that happened).

I'll keep checking back to see if you have any new posts up!

I hope all is well. School just started this week, right?

Hugs Kate ox

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