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May 29, 2008



Looks like you had a fantastic retreat too! Lucky you living in Sydney, if they have the retreat in Sydney next year you will be the lucky one not having to travel.

I am really enjoying reading other peoples blogs about the retreat and seeing their photos. It was my first retreat and I loved it.

Great photo's of the dinner at Dantes' too.

Julia Rose

Great to hear from you, love your retreat post...
It was great meeting you guys too...


it was such a treat to finally meet YOU! You are just as I had imagined, so kind & warm with a great sense of humor! I am so glad we had a night out...and I can't wait until I get to see your beautiful city! ;-)
I love what you said about leaving home and coming back again...so, so true. xoxo take care and have a wonderful weekend.


Hi Megan,
Loved reading your retreat update! It was so great having you and Ursula join us again, you girls are amazing! So positive, encouraging and artists in your own right!
Hope you will join us in Sydney next year (yes, we are 99% sure it will be Sydney)
Love Jo xo


It was great to meet up with you and Megan again at this retreat. Even better to be in a class with you both. I too find it's hard to come back to earth after such an event, you almost need a week to gently merge back into every day life again, but it's an experience not to be missed.

Ursula C

Great photos and you capture in words beautifully how it is to exit and return. It was a fun one and I am so glad I got to share it with you. I look forward to the next adventure. Ux

Karen Cole

Looks like a great time, Megan. I read this and totally understood every word and feeling.

I told Ursula, we book babes MUST somehow all get together and meet. An island, sipping a drink, toes in the sand, sharing each others books, giggling.

I don't see any toilet paper on anyones heads here. Perhaps you didn't have as good a time as I did at Art and Soul? ;-)
Check out my photos if you don't know what I'm talking about.

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