Do you ever have those moments, the ones that remind you of the fragility of the moment, I guess of life?
I am not sure if it is the appearance of spring, the pace of life, the fact my children grow more self sufficient each day, or what. Last night my daughter asked both my husband and I (no offence intended!), if we ever thought about the fact that we were growing old (offence taken!). Whilst I was thinking about the best response, her father answered "Everyday sweetie, everyday!" I guess it got me thinking, that same old lesson that keeps presenting itself. This moment is all there is, this moment is where we should be. I don't want to live each day wishing for the next, only to wish that one away. This morning when I turned the page of Buddhist Offerings 365 Days, todays offering was "Most of us have spent our lives caught up in plans, expectations, ambitions for the future, in regrets, guilt or shame about the past. To come to the present is to stop the war." Jack Kornfield So, whats the secret of that life lived to the fullest without regrets? I guess, I am still learning that lesson - I do remember some very sound advice from my great Aunt who lived to the ripe old age of 105 spanning across three centuries, she was born at the end of the 1800's, lived throughout the 1900's and died in the 2000's. She had seen some changes for sure and was on the Ocean bound for Australia when the Titanic went down. About growing old she used to say "Darling, it's no fun getting old, but the alternative isn't great!" I do know that you should do what you love and love what you do though, look for the good in situations and see the best in others. Ain't life a huge lesson?